Navigating Impact: Venturebeam's Journey to Fund the Future of Sustainable Innovation
The NatureBacked PodcastJuly 16, 2024x

Navigating Impact: Venturebeam's Journey to Fund the Future of Sustainable Innovation

Venturebeam focuses on raising funds for impact-driven companies with substantial revenue and proven market fit, says its head, Oli Harris.

Harris highlights the importance of self-awareness and small actions in making a significant impact and introduces Venture Impact Score.

Venturebeam's first funding round was for Xocean, an Irish company developing autonomous underwater drones. The company raised a total of 30 million euros last month.

The episode concludes with a discussion of Venturebeam's future goals, including expanding its impact in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

The episode was recorded from nature, so apologies for the distracting sounds of wind and birds in the background ;)

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