Tapping Booming Demand for Microgrids with Rod Matthews
The NatureBacked PodcastMay 22, 2023x

Tapping Booming Demand for Microgrids with Rod Matthews

Green is a crucial part of the offering, but not the only benefit microgrid clients are seeking, said Rod Matthews from San Diego, California-based microgrid producer Brevian Energy.

"We're looking at ways to help make power much more affordable for people and resilient because you are generating it yourself. So you're not relying on the grid. So when the grid goes down a lot of times you don't even know about it," said Matthews.

"For us, one of the key things is to make it much more responsible, meaning we are reducing those greenhouse gas emissions," Matthews said.

Learn more about:

  • High utility rates, batteries and peak shaving in San Diego, California
  • Net energy metering in California and Northern Europe
  • The trend of microgrids in California and the US
  • Learnings from managed service provider company

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