Towards a Regenerative Crop System With NuCicer's Chickpeas
The NatureBacked PodcastOctober 01, 2024x

Towards a Regenerative Crop System With NuCicer's Chickpeas

NuCicer is a startup focused on breeding better chickpeas to have a positive impact on the environment and the growing population. The founders, Kathryn Cook and her father, aim to connect the fragmented food and agriculture system by bridging the gap between ag technologies and food brands.

"By understanding the challenges that consumer brands and formulators are having, we can take those challenges and bring them back to the seed level," said Kathryn Cook.

NuCicer's promises its first commercial variety, NC1, has up to 75% more protein than a standard chickpea and offers strong yields and a shorter time to maturity.

"Our long-term vision is to provide growers with a regenerative crop that can be grown on tens of millions of acres," Cook said.

By increasing the adoption of chickpeas, NuCicer aims to replace animal-based products, improve soil health, and reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture.

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